
Download your audio files

You may download and listen to these audio files on any device that can download from the internet.

Please note: These audio files are for personal use only and may not be distributed or played publicly without the written consent of Kenneth Kelly.

If you need support to download the files, there is a support video at the bottom of this page.

Verbal Contracting

An example of contracting, at the start of a counselling session, with the client’s replies removed (for reasons of confidentiality). This isn’t intended as a perfect example of how to make the working agreement: more to illustrate you how I myself might go about it. Of course, you will develop your own style, but you will see from this the content it’s important to include.


A look at a simulated skill session where reflection is used


An example of my use of paraphrasing to clarify my understanding of what was brought up. This shows how paraphrasing affects the therapeutic relationship; because the paraphrase fits well for the client, she feels heard and understood. As this happens, the material deepens.


An example of how focusing is used in a counselling session

Appropriate Questioning

An example of how questioning can be used appropriately in a counselling session.

Support video to download your audio files

if after watching this video you still need support then please email