Lisa Mathurin (a counsellor, psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer) explains in this lecture how to gain a better understanding of communication by analysing transactions, using the theory of transactional analysis (TA). After listening to the lecture, you will:
- be able to identify the three main types of transactions
- know Eric Berne’s three rules of communication.

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Lisa draws on her previous lecture, ‘Identifying and Working with Ego States’, revisiting Berne’s ego state model as a straightforward but effective way not only to make sense of ‘what goes on in the inside’ for ourselves and others, but also to think about and understand communication.
You will learn about the three types of ego states that a person might have, and how they interact with the ego states of others. Lisa takes care to foster a sense of personal responsibility for our ego states, noting that you cannot make someone go into a particular ego state; you can only invite them there.
Lisa defines what a transaction is, citing Berne, and explains the rules of communication, noting the differences between complementary and crossed transactions. You will also hear examples of each of these, before Lisa then moves onto ulterior transactions, which may be either duplex or angular.
You will learn how to understand behaviour by paying attention to the psychological level of communication. Lisa introduces the ‘think Martian’ technique to facilitate this; observation of non-verbal cues is key here.
Lisa concludes the lecture with a list of eight references that will allow you to read further into the topic of analysing transactions in TA.
About the Lecture Presenter

Alongside running a successful counselling and supervision private practice, Lisa has been delivering supervision and counselling training since 2009.
She is passionate about the power of group dynamics and the therapeutic relationship and trusts in founding a relationship of respect, trust and confidentiality as an essential way of working with clients and students.
In conjunction with her enthusiasm for community and connection, Lisa is a Wellbeing Consultant for a local charity.
Lisa is a Registered Member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, the UK Association for Transactional Analysis, European Association of Transactional Analysis and the International Association for Transactional Analysis.