Basic Counselling Skills - A Student Guide
The perfect skills guide for students of counselling and psychotherapy
What fellow students think
The "ah-ah now I get it" moment I have been looking for. Clear precise guidance and I wish I had this book when I started my counselling studies.
This book should be in every counselling students library.
- Gary Brown
I am doing my first recorded session tonight and the very first section of your book, "Opening a session", has already been enormously valuable
- Corne Schafer
Just finished your book and I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I am looking forward to referencing from it in my skills assignment!
- Vicky McGuirk
The book is fantastic!
I am currently on the Level 3 Counselling skills course and this is so beneficial to me.
I have already plugged the book on our own closed Facebook group as my peers would find the contents of the book such a useful tool!
- Sarah Moran
I'm in my second term of a Foundation degree and I have read the book from cover to cover.
I will be referring to it frequently throughout my studies.
- Sharon Sands
I have used your book to complete my CPCAB level 2 and I am part way through CPCAB level 3.
What I like about your book is that is has the answers to my questions without having to trawl through pages of information.
It’s information that I can just connect to and understand
- Marie King
I'm really glad I bought your book as I feel it will provide a useful source of information for my teaching.
I teach a counselling skills course, and your easy-to-read chapters on counselling skills is very easy to read and then disseminate to the learners.
- Tracy Fletcher
Very user-friendly - love the links to your podcasts - wish you were my tutor!
– Anita Eng
I have been using counselling skills for the past twelve years and I would recommend this book for those who want the cream-of-the-crop on their book shelf!
- Layla Digby
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In my book, I go beyond offering just a theoretical definition of what a skill is and an explanation of what it does in a counselling relationship. I share a deeper look into the skills and explore a more philosophical explanation from my own experience as a practising therapist and former counselling tutor. - Kenneth Kelly

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