Counselling Theory in Practice - A Student Guide
The perfect guide to help students prepare for counselling in the real world
What fellow students think
Valuable content for ALL students embarking and during their counselling education.
It’s a great book for students studying or wanting to study counselling, wish I had read this when I started my journey some years ago.
- Shanne Evans
- R Heayes
Overall it's a brilliant piece of writing, which definitely will be an invaluable source of information for anyone considering, studying, or already in the counselling fields. It's very informative yet easy to read.
I wish that I had this at the beginning of my counselling journey as to explain a lot of the unknown.
- Audrey Haynes
There were many a moment whilst reading where things just fell into place and questions, I didn’t even realise I had, were answered.
- Charlie Nagy
A really informative guide, a must have for anyone starting on the path of becoming a listening helper.
- Helen Thunder
- Jet
I'm a Level 4 integrating counselling skills and theory student. This book came highly recommended by our tutor and it hasn't disappointed. Easy to read in an informative and knowledgeable way, with lots of personal experiences shared by Rory which makes it even more real. If you are about to embark on this counselling journey, make this one of your "Must Have" books.
- Sharianne
Would highly recommend to any counsellor in training or qualified
- Ian Deslow
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This book shines a light into the unknown, filling the gap between what you learn in class and what you will experience in the real world of counselling.
Years of classed based teaching, combined with my personal experience as a practicing counsellor and supervisor, form the foundations of this book.
I offer practical observations and direct responses to the thousands of questions I have been asked through the years of running our website, counsellingtutor.com, our academic library “The Counselling Study Resource,” and our weekly podcast, aptly named The Counselling Tutor Podcast.
It is my hope that it answers your questions and help ease your counselling journey - Rory Lees-Oakes

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