Our Team


Experience and Qualifications

Our Team - Rory Lees Oakes


Co-Founder and Director – working from The Studio at Counselling Towers, aka his spare bedroom

  • Counsellor, clinical supervisor and an accredited member of the NCPS
  • Author of Counselling Theory in Practice: A Student Guide
  • Co-author of Online and Telephone Counselling: A Practitioner's Guide
  • Qualified lecturer with over ten years’ experience of lecturing
  • Holder of the 2015 Silver Plato award for outstanding use of technology in education
  • Fellow of the Pearson Teaching Awards
  • Avid drinker of tea
Our Team - Ken Kelly


CEO and Co-Founder – Directing the team in the vision of making a difference

  • Qualified counsellor, clinical supervisor and an accredited member of the NCPS
  • Author of Basic Counselling Skills: A Student Guide
  • Co-author of Online and Telephone Counselling: A Practitioner's Guide
  • Qualified in online and telephone counselling, and has used online skills in private practice and agency work
  • Has a teaching qualification and worked as a lecturer
  • Specialises in outcome-based online learning
  • Dog-lover and mindfulness meditator
Our Team - Colette Kelly


Community Manager – working from The Service-Centre, aka her back room

  • Flexible and multi-talented
  • Has experience as content manager, website designer, social media manager, company secretary and lunch-maker
  • A finance whizz, sorting all our billing matters quickly and efficiently
  • Provides top-class technical support with empathy
  • Eco-geek who keeps Counselling Tutor lean and green (but not at all mean)
  • Yogi and long-distance runner, with a goal of running the London Marathon
Our Team - Lucy Mosha


People and Process Manager – working from The Epicentre, aka an alcove on her landing

  • Bachelor’s degree in anthropology and geography
  • Creator of processes and environments where people can thrive
  • Solution-finder and problem-solver extraordinaire
  • Specialist in fast-growing small-business effectiveness and scalability
  • 17 years’ director-level experience in the IT outsourcing and service industry
  • Horse-lover and developer of riding-related projects to support the community
Our Team - Laurice Chavez


Fulfilment Manager – working from The Nomadery, aka wherever her family isn’t

  • Studied creative writing and philosophy
  • Amazing all-rounder who knows about project management, branding and graphic design, video editing, content publishing, and everything in between
  • Former textbook editor in the publishing industry, and freelance writer
  • Bookworm and self-confessed book hoarder who brings to us her aptitude for organising, and appetite for adventure
  • Basker in nature who supports Counselling Tutor in our ecological endeavours
  • Travel-planner, inline skater and piano player
Our Team - Sarah Carr


Academic Writer – working from The Owlery, aka her document-dispatching home-office

  • BACP-accredited counsellor (person-centred and CBT)
  • Bachelor’s degree in modern languages and English, and MBA
  • Writer, editor and proofreader since 1997, specialising in plain English
  • Author of a book on clear communication, and many journal articles
  • NHS counsellor
  • Qigonger, charity-shopper, walker and cyclist
Maria Soriano - Our Team


Customer Support Representative – working from The Stripery, aka a lovely bright space in her living room

  • Bachelor’s degree in electronics and communications engineering
  • Also qualified in IT service management
  • Many years’ experience in online customer service and technical support
  • Has worked on the helpdesks of several blue-chip companies internationally
  • As a ‘go with the flow’ person, always happy to help
  • Singer, cook, lifelong learner, aspiring traveller and adoring aunt
Paul Cullen Community Engagement


Community Engagement and Moderation Manager – working from The Nook, aka the corner of his home where his office is

  • Qualified counsellor and clinical supervisor with a small online practice based in North Yorkshire
  • Has worked in a number of different fields related to mental health and substance misuse over the years
  • Passionate about neurodiversity (because home is full of it)
  • Tutor on Counselling Tutor's Online Supervision training
  • A keen angler who often wishes he is sat by a quiet still pond
Christine Shore


Head Tutor and Assessor – working from The Armchair, aka her counselling room

  • BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and Clinical Supervisor
  • Bachelor’s degree in English
  • Qualified Teacher, Lecturer and Trainer over some decades
  • Qualified Manager of people and projects
  • Reiki practitioner
  • Enthusiast of Literature and The Arts
Kristen Kelly - About Us


Intern – working from The Hammock, aka a conducive corner of her conservatory

  • Full-time student studying wildlife and conservation
  • Doer of odd jobs
  • Responsible for branding content
  • Avid learner for new things
  • House-plant fanatic