329 – Distinguishing PTSD and Complex PTSD

329 – Distinguishing PTSD and Complex PTSD

Navigating Client Complaints Effectively - Managing Observed Skills Sessions

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In Episode 329 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly take us through this week’s three topics:

  • Firstly in ‘Ethical, Sustainable Practice’, Rory and Ken discuss distinguishing PTSD and Complex PTSD, exploring the evolution of trauma therapy and the importance of understanding physiological responses in trauma-informed practice.
  • Then in ‘Practice Matters’, Rory speaks with Susie Jamieson about how to navigate client complaints effectively, sharing practical strategies and personal experiences to help therapists be complaint-ready.
  • And lastly in ‘Student Services’, Rory and Ken talk about managing overwhelm during observed skills sessions, providing tips for reducing anxiety and building confidence in counselling skills practice.

Distinguishing PTSD and Complex PTSD [starts at 03:41 mins]

This segment of the Counselling Tutor Podcast is sponsored by


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Distinguishing PTSD and Complex PTSD is essential in modern counselling. In this section, Rory and Ken explore the following key points:

  • The shift from PTSD to PTS: dropping "Disorder" to reduce stigma.
  • Introduction to Complex Post-Traumatic Stress (CPTS) and its identification.
  • The evolution from 20th-century psychological theories to trauma-informed practices.
  • The significance of physiological awareness in trauma responses and how trauma impacts the body.
  • The role of trauma education in counsellor training and the importance of continuous learning.
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Navigating Client Complaints Effectively [starts at 24:41 mins]

In this week’s ‘Practice Matters’, Rory speaks with Susie Jamieson about navigating client complaints effectively.

The key points of this conversation include:

  • Susie’s personal journey and insights from her CPD lectures on complaint readiness.
  • The emotional and professional impact of complaints on therapists.
  • Strategies for being complaint-ready and managing the process effectively.
  • The importance of supervisory support and legal guidance.
  • Encouraging proactive preparation to mitigate the stress of potential complaints.

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Managing Observed Skills Sessions [starts at 52:34 mins]

Throughout your counselling journey, managing observed skills sessions can be challenging. In this section, Rory and Ken discuss strategies to cope with the anxiety and overwhelm often experienced during these sessions:

  • Recognising that observed skills sessions are structured and not reflective of real client interactions.
  • The value of regular practice and preparation to build confidence.
  • Understand the assessment criteria and focus on key skills.
  • Utilise peer support and feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Encouraging self-compassion and realistic expectations during training.
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Distinguishing PTSD and Complex PTSD

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