333 – Dunning-Kruger Effect in Trauma-Informed Therapy
Autistic Therapists in Practice - The Essential Skill of Academic Referencing
In Episode 333 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly, take us through this week’s three key topics:
- Firstly, in ‘Ethical, Sustainable Practice’ we look at understanding the Dunning-Kruger Effect in trauma-informed therapy and how it can impact professional competence.
- Then in ‘Practice Matters’, Rory interviews an autistic therapist who has chosen to stay anonymous to allow for an open and honest conversation. This discussion is about their lived experience and insights into neurodivergence in the profession.
- And lastly in ‘Student Services’, Rory and Ken look at the importance of referencing in assignments, avoiding common pitfalls, and using digital tools to ensure accuracy.
Dunning-Kruger Effect in Trauma-Informed Therapy [starts at 03:14 mins]
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Working with trauma requires ongoing learning, and in this section, Rory and Ken discuss the dangers of overestimating our competence and the need for continual professional development:
- The Dunning-Kruger Effect suggests that individuals with limited knowledge often overestimate their expertise while those with extensive knowledge may underestimate their abilities.
- In trauma therapy, assuming we know more than we do can be harmful to clients, as misinterpreting trauma responses can lead to ineffective or even damaging interventions.
- Ethical practice calls for therapists to engage in continued learning and training to ensure they remain informed and competent.
- Rory shares his personal journey in recognising gaps in his early training, and how expanding his trauma-informed knowledge transformed his practice.
- Investing in training isn’t just beneficial - it’s essential to maintaining ethical and effective care for trauma survivors.
Theory to Practice is sponsored by
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Autistic Therapists in Practice [starts at 23:13 mins]
In this week’s ‘Practice Matters’, Rory speaks with an autistic therapist about navigating the profession while being neurodivergent.
Key points from the conversation include:
- Breaking stereotypes – Addressing common misconceptions about autistic professionals in therapy.
- Masking and burnout – How masking neurodivergent traits in a professional setting can lead to exhaustion.
- Client relationships – How self-disclosure and a neurodivergent perspective can enhance therapeutic connection.
- Workplace accommodations – The importance of reasonable adjustments to support autistic therapists in practice.
- Neurodivergent therapists can bring unique strengths to therapy, including deep empathy and creative engagement techniques.
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The Essential Skill of Academic Referencing [starts at 50:34 mins]
Accurate referencing is an essential skill in academic writing. In this section, Rory and Ken explore best practices for referencing and common mistakes to avoid:
- Referencing provides credibility and allows others to verify the sources used.
- There are different referencing styles (Harvard, APA, etc.), and it’s important to follow your institution’s guidelines.
- Common mistakes include incorrect formatting, missing citations, and relying on non-academic sources like Wikipedia.
- AI tools and university citation generators can assist in formatting references correctly.
- Ensuring references are listed in alphabetical order and checking if word counts include citations can help avoid unnecessary resubmissions.
- Good referencing strengthens your argument and ensures academic integrity.
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Dunning–Kruger Effect in Therapy