321 - Online Counselling for Neurodivergent Clients
Counselling Boys and Men Part 2 - Managing Boundaries in Counselling
In Episode 321 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly guide us through this week’s three topics:
- Firstly in ‘Ethical, Sustainable Practice’ we look at effective online counselling for neurodivergent clients.
- Then in ‘Practice Matters’, Rory interviews Phil Mitchell about part two of his lecture on counselling boys and men.
- And lastly in ‘Student Services’, Rory and Ken discuss managing boundaries in counselling.
Online Counselling for Neurodivergent Clients [starts at 03:41 mins]
This segment of the Counselling Tutor Podcast is sponsored by
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In this section, Rory and Ken explore the unique considerations of offering online counselling for neurodivergent clients.
Key points include:
- The rapid growth of online and telephone counselling since COVID-19 has made it mainstream in therapeutic practice.
- Specific needs of neurodivergent clients in online settings, including difficulties with phone-based sessions and sensory preferences.
- The importance of reasonable adjustments such as offering asynchronous communication (e.g. email) or allowing sessions without video.
- Risk management considerations, especially with clients at higher risk of mental health challenges, including suicidal ideation.
- The necessity of formal training for online and telephone counselling.
Practical tips:
- Adapt language, session formats, and response times to suit neurodivergent clients.
- Include reasonable adjustments in client contracts.
- Obtain clear emergency contact details for safety.
Theory to Practice is sponsored by
Counselling Skills Academy
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Counselling Boys and Men Part 2 [starts at 29:05 mins]
In this week’s ‘Practice Matters’, Rory interviews Phil Mitchell about counselling boys and men, focusing on Phil’s two-part CPD lecture series.
Phil shares insights into:
- The importance of using male-centred, action-oriented language to improve engagement.
- Why traditional therapeutic approaches may not resonate with many male clients.
- Research supporting a solution-focused, practical counselling style for men.
- Marketing practices that effectively attract male clients to therapy.
- Examples of language adjustments include reframing vulnerability as strength and emphasising problem-solving over emotional exploration.
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Managing Boundaries in Counselling [starts at 55:33 mins]
In ‘Student Services’, Rory and Ken discuss managing boundaries in counselling:
- Boundaries protect both the client and the therapist, providing a safe and structured environment.
- Common boundary challenges for students include handling informal counselling requests from friends or family and unexpected encounters with clients outside therapy settings.
- Strategies for addressing boundary breaches include revisiting contracts and consulting with your supervisor.
- Flexibility in boundaries, such as allowing reasonable adjustments for neurodivergent clients, can support therapeutic success.
Practical advice:
- Use clear, mutually agreed-upon boundaries as part of initial contracting.
- When unexpected situations arise, discuss and revise boundaries in supervision.
- Incorporate boundary management discussions into professional development and supervision sessions.
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Online Counselling for Neurodivergent Clients