Special Edition – Website for Counselling Practice

Special Edition – Website for Counselling Practice

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In this special episode of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your host Rory Lees-Oakes is speaking with Daragh Mac Loughlin from WebHealer about why your professional online presence, specifically a website for your counselling practice, matters.

This segment of the Counselling Tutor Podcast is sponsored by


  • WebHealer are the go-to provider of websites for private practitioners in the UK.
  • Established over 20 years, WebHealer offers a non-technical and fully supported service to help therapists grow their private practice.
  • Just one customer from your website each year pays for their service.

Go to WebHealer.net and use coupon CT100 for £100 off their "Do it for me" service.

The importance of your online presence:

  • Your website is a valuable tool for your business.
  • Recognise that you are a business.
  • A website can help you to maximise your success.
  • It’s important that you’re able to build rapport through your website – it is your 24hr representative.

What to include on the website for your counselling practice to help build rapport:

  • Include a well taken, well lit, and natural photograph of yourself on your website. People want to see who they would be receiving counselling from.
  • An element of disclosure – by sharing a bit about yourself, you’re allowing the person visiting your website to begin to trust you and feel that connection.
  • List your qualifications and experience – not only will this allow potential clients to see your capabilities, it will allow Google to recognise you as a legitimate suggestion in searches.
  • Include a series of FAQs e.g. how many sessions will there be? How often might they need to meet with you?
  • Add a short summary of what a session might look like – this will be a comfort to someone who has no experience going to therapy.
  • Somewhere on your website you will want a call to action – offer a quick chat/meeting either online or in person. This allows you and the potential client to get to know each other and see if you’re the right fit. This short introduction can help the potential client to build the confidence they need to take that next step with you.

Getting your counselling website found:

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) plays a huge role in getting your website at the top of internet searches.
  • Your aim is to match user intent.
  • Give a very clear overview of your capability in your subject matter – this shows Google that you are competent, and worth suggesting to its users.
  • It’s crucial to be trusted, reassuring, and informative.
  • Show your expertise.
  • The website for your counselling practice is you offering your services, answering questions, and establishing your authority in your field.
  • Make your website as useful as possible to potential clients.

By gaining just one client a year through your website – it’s paying for itself!

Links and Resources

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