330 – Working with Clients Abroad

330 – Working with Clients Abroad

Importance of Psychosexual Therapy - Meeting Supervision Hour Requirements

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In Episode 330 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly take us through this week’s three topics:

  • Firstly, in ‘Ethical, Sustainable Practice’, we explore the challenges and considerations of offering online therapy to clients abroad, particularly focusing on legal, ethical, and practical concerns.
  • Then in ‘Practice Matters’, Rory speaks with Lohani Noor about the importance of psychosexual therapy and how therapists can gain the skills to support clients navigating intimate issues.
  • Lastly, in ‘Student Services’, Rory and Ken provide practical advice for counselling students on meeting course requirements for supervision hours, emphasising the importance of documentation and careful planning.

Working with Clients Abroad [starts at 03:15 mins]

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In this section, Rory and Ken discuss the complexities and ethical considerations of navigating online therapy with clients abroad. This has become increasingly common as more therapists and clients embrace online sessions.

Key points from this conversation include:

  • Legalities of International Therapy: Different countries have varying regulations regarding who can practice therapy within their borders, and therapists need to be aware of these laws.
  • Ethical Considerations: Therapists must understand the ethical frameworks that govern their practice, especially when providing therapy to clients in jurisdictions that may have different cultural norms or legal frameworks.
  • Client Safety: It's essential to discuss with clients the potential risks involved in online therapy, especially when they are in different countries with different laws, such as those surrounding confidentiality and the protection of vulnerable clients.
  • Insurance: One of the most important considerations when offering therapy to clients abroad is to speak with your insurance company to ensure that you are covered for international practice.
  • It's crucial to understand what is legally required and the potential risks involved in practising internationally.
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Importance of Psychosexual Therapy [starts at 28:42 mins]

In Practice Matters, Rory speaks with Lohani Noor about psychosexual therapy, focusing on what makes an effective psychosexual therapist and the necessary training and skills required.

The main points of this conversation include:

  • Training in Psychosexual Therapy: there is a growing need for specialised psychosexual therapists, and formal training is important. Psychosexual therapy is not only about addressing sexual issues but also understanding relational dynamics.
  • The Role of the Therapist: The therapist's role in psychosexual therapy is to facilitate conversations around intimacy, sexual health, and relationships in a safe, non-judgemental environment.
  • Inclusivity in Psychosexual Therapy: Lohani shares how her training program includes diverse voices to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach to psychosexual issues, addressing both cultural and sexual diversity.
  • Biopsychosocial Model: Lohani uses this model to help therapists understand the biological, psychological, and social factors that impact a person's sexual health and relationships.

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Meeting Supervision Hour Requirements [starts at 47:18 mins]

In Student Services, Rory and Ken discuss the crucial topic of meeting supervision hour requirements as part of your training and practice.

Key points discussed include:

  • Understanding Supervision Hours: Supervision hours are a non-negotiable part of counsellor training, and it’s important to track them carefully. Students must ensure that every hour worked with clients is supervised to meet course and professional body requirements.
  • Tracking Hours Accurately: Rory emphasises the need for students to document their supervised hours accurately. A common mistake is counting unsupervised hours or miscalculating how many hours are needed.
  • Meeting the Minimum Requirements: The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) recommends at least one and a half hours of supervision per month, or more if you are seeing a higher number of clients.
  • Dealing with Missed Supervision: Rory offers tips for handling missed supervision sessions and ensuring that students make up for any missed hours in a timely manner such as:
    • Stay on top of your schedule.
    • Communicate with your supervisor.
    • Plan for absences in advance.
  • Supervision is not only an academic requirement but an essential part of professional development. It is through supervision that students develop their skills, receive feedback, and ensure that they are providing ethical and competent practice to clients.
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Working Online with Clients Abroad

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