325 - Applying Attachment Theory
Neurodivergence and Eating Disorders - Managing Overwhelm
In Episode 325 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly take us through this week’s three topics:
- Firstly, in ‘Ethical, Sustainable Practice,’ we look at applying Attachment Theory in therapy and how understanding attachment styles helps build a strong therapeutic relationship.
- Then in ‘Practice Matters’, Rory speaks with Bernie Wright and Lisa Smith about the connection between eating disorders, disordered eating, and neurodivergence.
- Lastly, in ‘Student Services, Rory and Ken discuss how counselling students can manage overwhelm and stay motivated through their training journey.
Applying Attachment Theory [starts at 03:06 mins]
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Rory and Ken discuss the key components of applying Attachment Theory and how understanding different attachment styles can enhance our work with clients. Attachment theory forms the foundation of human bonding, and understanding it allows therapists to work more effectively with clients, especially those who struggle with relationships.
This discussion highlights the following key points:
- Secure Attachment: Individuals with secure attachment are typically comfortable with themselves and others, handling differences with ease.
- Avoidant Attachment: This attachment style involves emotional distancing and difficulty in trusting others.
- Anxious Attachment: Individuals with anxious attachment often experience difficulties with trust and emotional regulation in relationships.
- Disorganized Attachment: A more complex style, where the individual has difficulty trusting both themselves and others, leading to internal conflict.
- Being aware of your own attachment style will help you to better understand and support your clients.
Theory to Practice is sponsored by
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Neurodivergence and Eating Disorders [starts at 32:20 mins]
In this week's ‘Practice Matters’, Rory speaks with Bernie Wright and Lisa Smith, who discuss their work on eating disorders, disordered eating, and neurodivergence. They explain how neurodivergent conditions such as autism and ADHD can lead to unique challenges in eating behaviour, often requiring specialised therapeutic interventions.
The key points of this conversation include:
- ADHD and Eating Disorders: Many individuals with ADHD struggle with impulsivity and emotional regulation, which can manifest as disordered eating.
- Autism and Eating Disorders: Autistic individuals often have rigid behaviours and sensitivities that can make eating challenging, such as avoiding certain food textures or using food as a form of stimming.
- The Role of Dopamine: Neurodivergent individuals may experience imbalances in dopamine, which contributes to impulsivity and the pursuit of behaviours that provide a dopamine rush, such as overeating or restrictive eating.
- Creating a Bespoke Approach: Bernie and Lisa stress the importance of tailoring therapeutic interventions to the unique needs of neurodivergent clients, taking into account both psychological and physiological aspects of eating disorders.
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Managing Overwhelm [starts at 55:04 mins]
In this section, Rory and Ken discuss how counselling students can manage feelings of overwhelm during their studies. They provide valuable advice on balancing academic demands, personal therapy, and practice.
The key points include:
- Understand Your Why: Revisiting your reason for starting training can help reignite passion and motivation.
- Support Networks: It’s important for students to seek support from tutors, peers, and supervisors when feeling overwhelmed.
- Time Management: Preparing for assignments in advance and managing deadlines can help prevent the buildup of stress and anxiety.
- Self-Care: Taking time to care for yourself and seeking personal therapy when necessary can make a big difference in staying balanced during the challenging times of training.
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Applying Attachment Theory