Special Edition: CPCAB Taster
In this week’s Special Episode of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your host Rory Lees-Oakes speaks with Derek Cunningham of the CPCAB about their new information taster they're offering for people interested in becoming qualified counsellors.
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Why choosing the right training is so important:
- It’s important that you receive training through legitimate routes in order to achieve recognised qualifications.
- The CPCAB’s free counselling training taster is designed to help you make an informed decision, choosing the route that is right for you.
- A week-long course that is purely online is unlikely to gain you a legitimate qualification.
- It’s essential that you’re training in a community with feedback, camaraderie, peers, and tutors that can help you during your journey.
- You should be able to receive feedback that is open, constructive, and fair, to allow you to improve.
- Face-to-face time is crucial.
- It’s important that you’re learning how to give and receive feedback.
Theory to Practice is sponsored by
Counselling Skills Academy
Learn counselling techniques by seeing counselling skills used in real sessions by qualified therapists.
Real sessions – real-life presentations – real skills.
What you can expect from the CPCAB taster:
- The CPCAB taster shows you the different routes on offer to you and what might be expected of you as you embark on your counselling training.
- It will give you an idea of what’s going to happen in the classroom, and what you’re going to be participating in.
- What skills you’ll need to learn as a counsellor, how you will potentially learn them, and what theory they are based in.
- The difference between talking to a counsellor and talking to a friend.
- There isn’t a complex amount of information, but key information to help you make an informed decision.
- Aims to make the learning interesting and enjoyable.
- It includes videos, role plays, an excerpt from an actual counselling session and commentary and discussion on it.
- Information on Carl Rogers and the core conditions.
- It might not end up being what you expect – counselling is more than learning the theory, it is applying the theory to yourself.
Counselling Study Resource:
Assignment Guidance & Study Support for Counselling Students
- Academic Lecture Library - Lectures that cover key theory, skills and professional development linked to your counselling study.
- Assignment Guidance - Complete assignment exemplars and portfolios of work that have been passed by both tutors and awarding bodies.
- Theory Decoded, Skills Mastery and More - Counselling theories and skills are broken down into easy-to-understand ‘chunks’, with clear examples to guide you.
How you begin your counselling journey is important, it’s the foundations that the rest of your learning is built on. The CPCAB taster session aims to prepare you for this journey, giving an invaluable insight into what you can expect.
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