215 - Pre-Trial Therapy
Preparing for Endings in Counselling – Planning Your Career as a Therapist
In Episode 215 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly return with this week’s three topics:
- In ‘Counselling Foundations’, we talk about endings.
- Next in ‘Focus on Self’, we look at your career as a therapist.
- And lastly in ‘Practice Matters’, Rory speaks with Erene Hadjiioannou on pre-trial therapy.
Preparing for Endings in Counselling [starts at 2:57 mins]
Counselling is full of endings, and knowing how to best prepare both your clients and yourself for them is an important part of the process.
Key points discussed in this section include:
- Endings start at the beginning – ensure your client is aware that they have a set amount of time with you.
- It’s important to find the balance between an abrupt ending and dragging things on too long.
- How you go about ending things links to your attachment style – be aware of your own attachment style.
- You're looking to create independence within your client as you work with them, not dependence.
- Remind the client how many sessions they have left, this will allow them to make the best of the time they have with you.
- The three stages of ending:
- Assessing a client’s readiness to end.
- Acknowledging that for the client, this is the end of a relationship.
- Empowering the client.
- Remember that endings welcome a new beginning.
Planning Your Career as a Therapist [starts at 21:38 mins]
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Within the career of therapy, it is important to know your options. By exploring their own experiences, Rory and Ken discuss the wide range of experiences available:
- Counselling can be a portfolio career –doesn’t have to just be being in private practice.
- Branch out and build experience, this will ‘season’ you as a therapist.
- Seize as many opportunities as you can – they will all build up your own experience and make you more employable.
Pre-Trial Therapy [starts at 36:58 mins]
*The guidance on pre-trial therapy has changed since this episode was broadcast. For the latest guidance, please listen to the upcoming episode 242.
In this week’s ‘Practice Matters’, Rory speaks with Erene Hadjiioannou about pre-trial therapy – specific to the UK.
The main points of this discussion include:
- Guidance is set by the Crown Prosecution Service that we are ethically required to stick to when working with the victim of any crime.
- The client can’t discuss details of the ongoing case due to evidence. They can however, discuss the impact of what they’re going through.
- Therapy notes may be asked for in order to check evidence aligns.
- Use umbrella terms when taking notes in order to protect privacy e.g. ‘sexual violence’ instead of ‘rape’.
- Don’t speculate within your notes.
- Requests for therapy notes can be turned down.
- Instead of sending notes, there is an option to write a summary instead – it’s a good idea to give a copy of this to your client, as it is information very personal to them.
- It’s rare that a therapist will be asked to go into court.
- Don’t be shy to ask what your responsibilities are.
Free Handout Download
Endings in Therapy
Links and Resources
Pre-Trial Therapy Resources
Draft Guidance on Pre-Trial Therapy
When Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Abuse Report to the Police: A Professional’s Perspective
Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Abuse: Challenging Pre-Trial Therapy Guidelines
Pre-Trial Therapy: A Crucial Moment
Psychotherapy with Survivors of Sexual Violence: Inside and Outside the Room (book by Erene Hadjiioannou)