005 – PD Groups – Critiques of Carl Rogers – Idiosyncratic Empathy – Counselling Placements

005 – PD Groups – Critiques of Carl Rogers – Idiosyncratic Empathy – Counselling Placements In the fifth episode of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, Ken Kelly and Rory Lees-Oakes discuss personal-development (PD) groups. ‘Theory with Rory’ looks at critiques of Carl Rogers, and ‘Skills with Ken’ at idiosyncratic empathy. Finally, in ‘Ask Ken and Rory’, […]

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004 – Equality & Diversity – Configurations of Self – Opening a Session – CPD

004 – Equality & Diversity – Configurations of Self – Opening a Session – CPD In the fourth episode of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, Ken Kelly and Rory Lees-Oakes take a look at equality and diversity. ‘Theory with Rory’ looks at configurations of self, and ‘Skills with Ken’ at opening a counselling session. Finally, in

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003 – Counselling ‘Volume’ – Transference & Countertransference – Paraphrasing – UPR

In this third episode of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, Ken Kelly and Rory Lees-Oakes explore how to turn down our counselling ‘volume’. ‘Theory with Rory’ looks at transference and countertransference; and in the skills section, Ken examines paraphrasing. In a new slot, ‘Ask Ken and Rory’, the presenters look at the challenge of showing unconditional positive regard

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002 – Parallel Process – Seven Stages of Process – Skill of Reflection

002 – Parallel Process – Seven Stages of Process – Skill of Reflection In this second episode of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, Ken Kelly and Rory Lees-Oakes speak about the idea of the ‘wounded healer’. ‘Theory with Rory’ looks at the seven stages of process; and in the skills section, Ken introduces the skill of reflection in

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Stereotypes in counselling

  Associate columnist and 'reporter at large' Barry Heap reminds us that having a unique personal identity is fine , however being catogorised and sterotyped for it is not. Barry writes  a regular 'agony aunt' column for the online magazine thegayuk.com  Stereotypes in counselling  So another festive period has come and passed, presents have been exchanged and

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Carl Rogers and Gloria

Carl Rogers and Gloria Carl Rogers and Gloria, there cannot be many counsellors or students of counselling that have not watched the film ‘Three approaches to Psychotherapy’ and wondered who Gloria was and what was the story behind the film? ‘Three approaches to psychotherapy’., filmed in 1964 was Everett Shostrom’s second attempt at filming the

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The 4 Tasks of Grieving

The 4 Tasks of grieving  is based on research undertaken by J. William Worden, Ph.D, currently a professor of Psychology at the Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University California.  Worden, a prolific author on the subject of how grief is experienced by adults and children, publishised 6 books on the subject, co-authoring many more. His grief model moved away

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