Sex in Counselling

Did your counselling qualification cover sex in counselling? Sex tends to be underexplored in mental health and medical professions, and is often absent from or lacking in training. Moreover, sexual problems can interact with a wide range of common mental-health conditions.

A large proportion of people experience issues with sex and sexuality – and so being able to discuss this subject without embarrassment or judgement is vital to offering a high-quality service to clients.

Sex in Counselling - CPD lecture for counsellors

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Through this lecture, you will learn from Michael Pearson – a therapist and lecturer in counselling – who aims:

  • to empower you to explore sex more in therapy
  • to give you an introduction to sexual terms
  • to expand your views of sex and sexuality, away from a heteronormative model
  • to introduce you briefly to cognitive behavioural, psychodynamic and person-centred approaches to sex in therapy
  • to offer you a greater understanding of areas of shame linked to sex
  • to give you a list of personal-development takeaways
  • to provide a list of therapeutic takeaways.

Michael opens the lecture by introducing you to a range of terms in sex, so enhancing your knowledge of the full range of sexual practices, and allowing you to identify any areas that you may need to research further in order to fill any gaps in your knowledge.

As with all areas of counselling, self-awareness is vital when dealing with sex in counselling, in order to ensure that you can respond to clients with both empathy and professionalism. As part of this, Michael looks at possible barriers in therapists that may prevent them from doing so, and how these barriers might affect clients.

You will learn about different definitions of sexual wellbeing, and three models that can help inform your work in this important area. Finally, the takeaways provided will give you a range of ideas of how to increase your confidence and proficiency in speaking with clients about sex.

About the Lecture Presenter

Michael Pearson Counsellor CPD lecture

Michael Pearson is an BACP Accredited Psychotherapist with over 10 years experience working with sexual issues. He has worked across the voluntary and third sector, offender institutes, the NHS and now in Higher Education, working adults and young people, and whilst working as a mental health professional in difference capacities in all of these fields.

Michael is an advocate of working in non-heteronormative ways, bringing systems change to the mental health sphere, and promoting alternative sexual practices in order to normalise and reduce shame in society.

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Sex in Counselling lecture overview